Nadia Millinship – ClubKombat

“The Outset team were so friendly and approachable, and they helped to build my self-confidence and keep me focused when it was needed.”…

Nadia’s story

A nightclub may not be the obvious place to run a fitness class, but for Nadia Millinship and her business ClubKombat, it provided the ideal daytime venue to combine fitness in a fun environment with a means of helping to break down social barriers.

We caught up with Nadia to hear her story of how she came to develop a new business with the help of Outset in Plymouth.

“I’ve been a fitness instructor for twelve years as well as being a busy single parent to two children, a hair extension specialist plus studying to achieve my Masters in Entrepreneurship” Nadia told us. “I wanted to set up a business where people could come and take part in a fitness class with mix of kickboxing & combat moves to tone the body to the “old skool” tunes that get you moving.”

“I had the fitness knowledge but needed help with developing my customer base, marketing my classes and how to communicate my message of diversity and inclusivity. I also found myself a little out of my depth in terms of setting up the business properly and time management,” stated Nadia.

Outset provided Nadia with support and skills development in marketing, specifically in how to target the right audience to be sustainable as a business, as well as how to utilise the right social media channels. Communication was a key part of Nadia’s business model and Outset were able to help with messaging as well as providing invaluable opportunities with other businesses to help develop her business network.

“I didn’t want to be just another fitness class and it was important to me that I broke down barriers to enable people from all backgrounds and situations to be able to benefit from better health and a more positive mindset,” stated Nadia. She continued, “An example of how I do this is the free children’s spaces for single parents and those struggling with childcare.”

“Outset offered me an unbiased perspective on my business and how I could develop it to attract more of my target market. The team also provided me with ways to create more of a structure to my business and manage my time more effectively, as well as helping with funding opportunities and ideas to help the business grow.”

As part of the support from Outset, Nadia was able to develop a business plan and clear strategy which she has put into practice. This has produced a complete shift in the audience for her classes. Since receiving the support from Outset last November, her audience has doubled and has developed into a more sustainable market with a strong retention of customers.

“The Outset team were so friendly and approachable, and they helped to build my self-confidence and keep me focused when it was needed. They instilled in me the need for me to draw up a list of action points by priority with a deadline to keep me on track – this has been invaluable in helping me to manage my time.”

Looking forward, Nadia aims to develop a consistent customer base and to ensure that the ethos of social enterprise behind ClubKombat is more clearly communicated and understood. “I want to set up a fitness programme to benefit physical and mental health for those who might not be able to afford traditional classes and for those in more vulnerable situations for whom it just might not be on their radar. It’s thanks to Outset that I am in the position where I can make these plans.”