It’s a great time to start your own business, especially with the help of our award-winning Outset service providing start-up support and access to funding, a wide range of training workshops, e-learning, mentoring and 1:1 advice, and post-start support.

Since 2008, Outset has touched the lives of thousands of individuals across the UK, from all walks of life, helping them to make a success of starting and growing a business.

The Outset programme of blended learning and support, is unique in that it builds the person as well as their business idea.It can be daunting, but we’re here to help you decide if self-employment and enterprise is right for you. If it is, we’ll take you through the start-up journey and give you all the tools, knowledge and confidence you need to make it a success, and connect you to a great community of new business owners.

Read more about our journey.

Where are you now?

I’ve got a great
business idea
I’m currently unemployed or am at risk of redundancy
I need to improve my
I need finance for
my new business
I want to learn online
Individuals engaged
Businesses created
New jobs created
Finance secured

Success Stories

After graduating with a BA Hons degree in Commercial Photography for Fashion, Advertising & Editorial, Selina Hall freelanced for a while before recently opening her own photographic studios in Mutley, Plymouth. ...

Viv Spencer describes herself as a “visual artist – drawing, printmaking, painting – with a studio in Peverell, Plymouth, who is concerned with the challenge of portraying the landscape in a contemporary way.” ...

Emma is bringing sewing to the high streets of Plymouth with pop-up shops....